An X-ray KUB, also known as a kidney, ureter, and bladder X-ray


An X-ray KUB, also known as a kidney, ureter, and bladder X-ray, is a common and relatively simple imaging test used to assess the urinary system. It's a non-invasive procedure that uses external beams of radiation to create images of your abdominal organs on film.

Here's a breakdown of what an X-ray KUB typically involves:

Purposes of an X-ray KUB:

  • Diagnosis: An X-ray KUB is a helpful initial diagnostic tool for a variety of urinary tract issues, including:
    • Kidney stones
    • Bladder stones
    • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
    • Blockages in the urinary tract
    • Abnormalities in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder
  • Evaluation: It can also be used to evaluate:
    • Placement of urinary catheters or stents
    • Prior to certain procedures on the urinary system


  • Preparation: In most cases, no special preparation is required for an X-ray KUB. You may be asked to remove any metal objects or clothing with metallic fasteners that could interfere with the X-ray images. If you are pregnant, inform your doctor beforehand.
  • Process: During the X-ray, you will likely stand or lie down on an examination table. The X-ray technician will position you and may ask you to hold your breath for a moment while the X-ray image is captured. The entire procedure typically takes just a few minutes.

Benefits of an X-ray KUB:

  • Simple and quick: An X-ray KUB is a relatively simple and quick outpatient procedure.
  • Painless: The X-ray itself is painless, although you might feel some slight discomfort from positioning.
  • Effective for certain conditions: It can be a valuable tool for detecting some urinary tract problems.

Things to Consider:

  • Radiation exposure: While the radiation dose from an X-ray is generally low, it's important to be aware of it, especially for pregnant women or children undergoing multiple scans. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.
  • Limitations: An X-ray KUB may not always provide a definitive diagnosis for all urinary tract issues. Sometimes, additional tests like a CT scan or ultrasound might be needed for a more detailed evaluation.

Overall, an X-ray KUB is a safe and effective initial imaging test for the urinary system. If your doctor recommends an X-ray KUB, discuss any concerns you may have about radiation exposure and ask about the reasons behind the recommendation.